I began being drawn to what Mr Lang says about children and then I returned again and again to his interview with William Friedkin and then to the interview 7 years later with Jean Luc Godard.
During this time two sudden deaths of the lecturers who had taught me at university introducing me to Fritz Lang and Film theory distilled in the background and provided a motivation to pursue an end.
A memory that kept recurring was of being a young girl on a boat far out at sea with a group of men. Men: involved in the arts and the sudden shock of freezing cold water and blindness as I was pushed overboard plunging into the depths, losing my bearings and struggling to the surface.
This new work forms part of an appropriation of Stanley Cavell’s autobiographical exercises. Stanley Cavell writes that the act of finding entails the act of stealing, misgiving and burying as critical conditions for rediscovering. These aspects make an autobiographical exercise the work of mourning.