A filmmaker travels to Japan to show a film and during the trip, a correspondence with a Scottish man about a murder and a chance encounter with a Jizo shrine to the unborn leads to the memory of a teenage abortion and a consideration of choices in life.
An experiment in intertextuality drawing on Robert Bresson’s film A Gentlewoman featuring a 17 year old Dominique Sanda: Koji Wakamatsu’s The Embryo Hunts in Secret Taiji Ga Mitsuryō Suru Toki: The Lord and The Gambler Tokuzo Tanaka.
And Chris Marker’s iteration that first person film tends to be a sign of humility: All I can offer is myself.
This film was made with the time required outside of production restrictions with a SonyPD100 DVcamera, Final Cut Pro 7, youtube and clip converter.