LUX » Engagement » Education
LUX organises a number of educational initiatives to support the study of artists moving image work.
LUX is a partner in a number of academic research initiatives as well as PhD programmes with a number of UK universities.
LUX organises regular courses and dedicated study-days exploring critical histories of artists’ moving image practice from different perspectives.
LUX is currently associated with a distinctive Masters level degree in London, which involve direct contact with LUX staff and public programme, research access to the LUX collection and workshops and classes lead by LUX.
LUX, Waterlow Park Centre,
Dartmouth Park Hill, London, N19 5JF, UK
Telephone: +44 (0)20 3141 2960
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LUX is a registered charity and not-for-profit company limited by guarantee:
Company No: 4421812
VAT No: 795 9063 73
Charity No: 1094936
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