To See the Frame, Not To See The Frame (A part of MODELS, Reel 2, 1972)
‘”To See The Frame, Not To See The Frame” shows the reversed relation of the frame in film as the material and the projected space of the screen. At first the words (title) “To See the Frame” are followed by light (clear leader) on screen for a certain length which is interrupted by a flash (a few frames) of black at regular intervals. Then the words (title) “Not To See The Framec are followed by the same length of darkness (black leader) on screen, which is interrupted by a flash (a single frame) of white in regular intervals. The second time the same title is followed by the same components of clear and black leader, interrupted by a flash of the opposite only once. The film shows the difference between what “the frame” indicates when we are “To See” or “Not To See” it under light and darkness.’ (T.I.)