(A part of MODELS, Reel 2)
Films marked * formerly constituted Models.
“Seeing, Not Seeing” deals with the relationship of light and darkness to the words “Seeing” and “Not Seeing.” At first the word “Seeing” is seen at the center of the frame which is followed by light of a certain length, using clear leader. Then “Not Seeing” is seen at the center which is followed by darkness using a certain length of black leader. The second time it is reversed with “Seeing” followed by darkness and “Not Seeing” by light, both at the same length. (T.I.)
“These two reels of Models I think are unusually important works. You are certainly one of the filmmakers to so explicitly direct your effort to the amazing aesthetic question of the internal calibration of consciousness. It is a work which so completely bares the brain of its receiver that the total life message can transmit across the thread of your work directly, without complication, or artifice or diversion. Such complete communication has crossed the boundaries of embarrassment and speaks in a voice of convincing spirituality.” – Tony Conrad, in a note to the filmmaker, February 20, 1974