‘Boxing for Boys’ is an all-male melodrama, set in the austere world of British amateur boxing during the 1950’s. The friendship of two young boxers is driven to a tragic climax; they must face each other in the ring. The video explores the problems of masculinity, as Oedipal struggles are played out in the various father/son relationships of the narrative. The protagonists enact the traditional and mythical male emotions; anger, competitiveness and jealousy, whilst struggling to achieve dignity and honour. The characters are naive and cliched – touching in their vulnerability and transparency. This ‘transparency’ is also reflected in the look of ‘Boxing for Boys’, which consciously uses the visual qualities of video. Through the stylish lighting and camerawork of Paul Barton, a cold blue world is created; a world of empty changing rooms, deserted cafes and lonely streets. Juxtaposed with these dramatic set pieces are passages of grainy, black and white Super 8 film, and to complete the collage a 1950’s boxing training film is intercut to ironic effect. ‘Boxing for Boys’ is set to the voice of the ex-factory worker from Wales, Tom Jones, whose songs tell us about the sweat and crude effort of trying to be a man.