Another approach to the same complex of story and videographic operations. This time the videographic work takes primacy and is almost wholly abstract. The story-telling strand is presented (enclosed) as a self-contained element within the overall image although even here the unity of sound and picture is abandoned – none of the sound recorded matches with the image of the speaker telling the story of Nohi Abassi. The story penetrates and interrupts, and is interrupted by, the processed imagery and sound in narrative sequence, but its imagery is also made an element within the videographic episodes. It is accompanied by rainforest recordings, as a simulacrum, a stylised assemblage referring to the idea of an alternative/magic, ideology of existence and order. Sharp collisions of content. Everything is permeable, every image becomes information and processing. The work was planned as a symbolic, formal, equivalent, assemblage of ideas and visual constructs for the juxtaposition of a pre-industrial consciousness, and a postindustrial consciousness, attempting to create a context of thoughts and images in place of a unifying, totalizing narrative closure. Cell structures, jungle noises, automobiles, rocks, seawater, jazz, rock music, images filtered through information processing. Harsh but sometimes beautiful.