Waterfall is a unique film containing elements of travelogue, documentary and narrative. Epic in structure, the film depicts a character in quest of his identity in the history of Niagara Falls. New Reels program College of Visual and Performing Arts, Syracuse University, New York.
Produced over a period of a year the film sets out to explore the preconceived ideas and expectations of Niagara Falls in the light of a personal visit. Niagara was selected as a representative spectacle, both natural and social, of the United States.
Expectations based on romantic, historical and cultural notions of Niagara Falls are set up during a protracted journey to Niagara and seen against the personal experience of the visit in constructing the film’s narrative.
At each stage cross references refer the viewer to the social history of the falls from the personal history of the protagonists with a reflexive overview of the film’s construction and development.
In essence the film is a diary with footnotes on the three subject elements of: making the film, Niagara Falls and a more personal history of the protagonists’ experience.