
Country: UK
Duration: 17 mins
Sound: sound
Available Format/s: 16mm


Bill Pye is sculptor who produces chrome-plated works with highly reflective surfaces. These sculptures form the basis, but not the subject, of this film. The subject is the kinetic possibilities of the reflective surfaces themselves and the way they reveal hidden complexity in apparently simple forms. The reflections are natural phenomena – light, water, landscape – which determine the mood and atmosphere of the film and at the same time enable a different aspect to create a composition of visual and sound images that could be said to be based on a sonata form, where themes are presented, developed and compared. For example, high speed photography shows the way surface tension creates certain shapes when water is in movement and the resulting forms are related to those of the chrome sculptures. Bill Pye was responsible for all stages of the film – camerawork , editing ad music, resulting in a tightly constructed synthesis of colour , movement and sound.

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