Country: UK
Duration: 12 mins
|14 Seconds
Sound: Stereo
Ratio: 4:3
Available Format/s: SD Digital file
Original Format: Quicktime File


An intense and compelling performance of a cinematic dance composed of modules of movement finally choreographed through camera work and editing, in which the tension between two dancers evokes the qualities of both duet and duel, posed ambiguously at the binaries between embrace and battle, intimacy and violence. The shifting frame of the camera and the uneasy rhythm of the editing takes the viewer from the close up tensile of stretched muscle and blurred movement to an austere framing of the dancers isolated within a shadowy and empty space. With all extraneous detail stripped away, the fundamentally co-dependent nature of the duet is laid bare, revealing the mixture of vulnerability and mutual trust intrinsic to all dance partnerships.

More works by Jo Ann Kaplan

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