
Country: USA
Duration: 7 mins
|30 Seconds
Sound: Opt.
Available Format/s: 16mm


‘A ‘hieroglyphic remembrance’ of desire for love, exploring heterosexual desire amidst the Fever Zone of homoerotic mysteries and narcissistic compulsion.(…)
Behind this visible and mortal coil lies the naked, bloodless body of a man. In front of our eyes hysterical light paints the man’s flesh desert-orange and midnight-indigo. These are colours of melancholia. Vertical, black currents veil blood-red water. A man floats in this body of water. In blood-red and brown (colours of desire, organs and concealment) the bodies of a male horde stand clustered; their behaviour is ambiguous. A woman and a man, coiled in energetic and erotic embrace, dance under Picasso’s Head of a Woman. Altered fragments of narration, squeezed from Sartre’s Nausca, interrupt altered fragments of Camus’ A Happy Death. Here sounds the inner voice of a man whose hysteria prevents the chill of prolonged melancholia. Visual images of displaced desire and fear beat against voice and time. Hysteria preserves desire and channels fear.’ – Z.S.

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