Ongoing re-groupable series of short 16mm films
An ongoing set of films of inconsequential animal movements which are hand-printed in a variety of ways, using changes of light, geometry, time. These processes reveal what might be hidden in the frames and photographic depths of the material, as well as constructing a way of looking in relation to their subject.
My filmic interest in animals is that they are unselfconscious, authentic, and can’t act.
Animal Studies relates to and overlaps the Short Film Series (begun in 1975). The beauty of working in a series lies in its procedural open-endedness and flexibility, up to and beyond the point of projection. This flexibility of connection extends to works outside the series such as Flight and Filter Beds (both 1998) and the three screen installation Three Trees (2003).
Tree Reflection has been shown as a looped gallery installation; other films in the series can also be adapted for continual projection.