[voices surface]: An Audio Documentary about Accessing Handsworth Songs by Hannah Kemp-Welch with captions by Carefuffle Working Group featuring the voices of Elaine Lillian Joseph, Sarah Hayden, Dr Clive Nwonka, Sonia Hinds, Trevor Mathison, Anita Wolska-Kaslow, Mickel Smithen and Benjamin Cook.
Produced as part of ‘slow emergency siren, ongoing: Accessing Handsworth Songs’ the audio documentary records the process of making Black Audio Film Collective’s seminal 1986 film Handsworth Songs more, and differently, accessible.
An audio only version of the documentary is available on Soundcloud
A transcript of the audio documentary is available to download in Word and html formats.
There is also a unique limited edition accessible publication documenting the project designed by Daly & Lyon with a new commissioned annotated audio description script from Elaine Lillian Joseph and new creative captions commissioned from the Care-fuffle Working Group alongside new essays by Clive Nwonka and Sarah Hayden. The book is available from the LUX shop
The publication is also available online at https://slowemergencysiren.org.uk/
The project was developed in collaboration with Voices in the Gallery, an AHRC (Arts and Humanities Research Council) Innovation Fellowship project led by Sarah Hayden at the University of Southampton.