I Die of Sadness Crying for You, Nina Danino

Country: UK

Related artists:

Duration & details: 72 mins / Colour, B&W
Price & hire time: £3, $4 / 24hr
Language: English

The film takes us to the lyrical places where the women of copla can be found; the cinema, the port, cabarets, praying to the crucifixes in their bedrooms. A journey to the south, in search of locations for a film The Far South – looking for personal memory and the women of copla – the singers and the women characters within the songs, who defy, challenge, cry, perform happiness and who themselves perform sorrow.

“What a terrific work about this form of song. Powerful emotions, powerful women and voices that speak from the margins of respectability.” – Catherine Elwes

“I love the way it follows your interest in the female voice, the embodiment of emotion and the way you communicated through a text, weaving memory, observation, theory and the lyrics in addition to giving space to those wonderful performers.” – Althea Greenan

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