Plantarians (2017) is a new short film by Ellie Kyungran Heo, developed during an artist’s residency at Hospitalfield this year.
What is the definition of ‘plantarian’? Does the word refer to people who only eat plants, particularly for moral, religious, or health reasons? Or does it refer to people who love plants? What does ‘plantarian’ mean to you? The experimental documentary Plantarians focuses on various characters, who live on garden plants. The camera seems to ask, “Is a plant aware of what is going on? What does a plant see, hear, and feel as it is caught up in continuous food chain in which all living things are involved?”
Plantarians shows the lives of garden plants close-up and from unusual perspectives, questioning human-centred ideas and taxonomies of nature. The screening also includes the artist’s recent film, Did you Eat Rice? (2017), developed during her residency at Asahi Artist in Residence, Nagano, Japan. Following the screening, Heo is joined in conversation with artist Ruth Maclennan.
Hospitalfield’s Programme supports the production of new work and the Residencies are for artists to focus on questions, problems and ideas that will have an impact for them now and into the future. This year, Nicole Yip the director of LUX Scotland and the artist Stephen Sutcliffe were the selectors for the Summer Residency which Heo participated in.
This event is supported by Hospitalfield and Arts Council Korea.
New Work is a screening series showcasing new moving image work in the UK, with a focus on young and emerging artists.
Plantarians, 2017, 10 min
Did You Eat Rice?, 2017, 52 min