This short course introduces the work of several British film collectives from the 1970s, including Berwick Street Film Collective and Cinema Action, and critically reflects on their contribution to the history of experimental film and video. Rare works will be screened alongside film and video by contemporary artists that either deal directly with the legacy of this radical work or open up a discussion about current possibilities for making political films, or making films politically.
The course will be led by curator, writer and researcher, Dan Kidner, and is aimed at anyone with an interest in political filmmaking and British film and video in the 1970s and 80s. No previous knowledge is required. Each week, one or more films will be screened followed by a discussion. Course texts will be drawn from Kidner’s new book, edited with Petra Bauer, Working Together: Notes on British Film Collectives in the 1970s (2013, Focal Point Gallery).
Booking includes a free copy of the book Working Together.