
Country: UK
Duration: 21 mins
Sound: stereo
Ratio: 4:3
Available Format/s: DVD / Digibeta tape / SD Digital file
Original Format: SD video


10 years ago I made a film called Gallivant that took as its inspiration the coastline of Great Britain. This September I will make a new film that takes as its inspiration a Channel light vessel called Gallivant. It will travel along side me as I attempt to swim the English Channel as part of a family relay team. Sounds and images from the original film will invade Off Shore as both mnemonic and catalyst, littering it like the flotsam and jetsam that we will be swimming through to get to the other side. I will be assisted in this endeavour by the words of Iain Sinclair and the presence of my daughter Eden.

More works by Andrew Kotting

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