A series of five hand-painted, step-printed films, each of which is a textured, thus tangible, “nothing.” A series of “nots ,” then, in pun, or knots of otherwise invisible energies. 1) The first begins with a semblance of fog clouds rising vertically, an upward lifting waterfall likeness which screens an ephemera of painted shapes that come, at end, to a rhythmic and formal hardness. 2) A progression of blue surreal shapes vanishing in forward movements. 3) A gathering of crystalline forms in primary colors emitting upward-moving flares of multicolored lights, all gradually suggesting an outward momentum. 4) An orange rock-beseeming wall of lights and upward flares suddenly frozen and fading. 5) A mixture of crystal and cellular shapes interacting like layers of a fire of decomposition, fogged, and finally like a palimpsest of melding illuminations.