How To Make Money Religiously [Exhibition Version]

Country: United Kingdom
Duration: 17 mins
|38 Seconds
Sound: Stereo
Ratio: 16:9
Available Format/s: HD Digital file / DCP
Original Format: HD video


In ‘How to Make Money Religiously’ (2014) two slightly altered versions of the same piece play sequentially in a loop, creating a moment of deja-vu. Centering on the problems as well as the possibilities of memory and forgetting, the piece addresses the arbitrary distinctions that can be ascribed to power and possession. Prouvost expands her multilayered investigation of the slippages between systems of communication, and conjures diverse interpretations dependent on how one perceives or remembers the story, while considering consumption, desire and the persuasive syntax of Internet scams.

More works by Laure Prouvost

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