‘By interweaving and compounding images of sexual love with images of mundane joy (the sea, a cat, window-filtered light), she expresses sex without the self consciousness of a spectacle, without an idea of expressivity, in her words, ‘free in a process which liberates our intentions from our conceptions.’ Carolee and her lover James Tenney emerge from nebulous clusters of colour and light and are seen in every manner of sexual embrace…one overall mosaic of flesh and textures and passionate embraces. Every element of the traditional stag film is here – fellatio, cunnilingus, close-ups of genitals and penetrations, sexual acrobatics-yet there’s none of the prurience and dispassion usually associated with them. There is only a fluid oceanic quality that merges the physical act with the metaphysical connotations, very Joycean and very erotic.’ – Gene Youngblood, Expanded Cinema.
Busted in San Francisco. Acclaimed by Antonioni and Kubrick.