“Campbell produced the enigmatic yet compelling Fall Burns Malone Fiddles by piecing together a series of black and white still images of young working class people and depressed neighbourhoods , sourced from a Belfast archive.
The soundtrack to this montage of photographs was the Edinburgh-born actor Ewan Bremner (perhaps best known as Spud in the film Trainspotting ) reading a rhythmic monologue , which combined excerpts of dense sociological theory with looser, stream of consciousness passages.” – Sarah Lowndes
“Duncan Campbells film Falls Burns Malone Fiddles draws out the processes whereby people do nothing and something happens. It is a sort of aestheticisation of everyday existence visible in the hairstyles, the fashions and aspirations of the moment. This style of documentary film with an off screen voice-over combined with still images and bootlegged sources brings to mind the work of John T Davis and Chris Marker. Duncans work is built up from Belfast community photographic archives and partakes in and comments on the DIY aesthetic that comes with these sources.” – Mike Kelly