“Crossing emerged not from a linear mode, but from a constant trading and reworking of ideas—a porous movement that switches between menace, anachronism and dream. The work exudes the pleasure of grasping for a new and yet shared language, where one’s decisions flow in and out of another’s. Harnessing an associative logic that guided its construction early on, Crossing takes the material undercurrents of Richard’s Radio At Night (2015) and Thornton’s They Were Just People (2016) as its dual starting points. This is a work full of overlays and sutures, creatures artificial and living. Everywhere in the video one sees not just holes but eyes. This, after all, is a dense habitat, teaming with life—stormy, wet, fecund.” (Quoted from: Mason Leaver-Yap, “James Richards and Leslie Thornton’s Crossing: Deep Water“, 2016)
Crossing is James Richards’s and Leslie Thornton’s first video collaboration.