Bete and Deise

Country: Brazil, Netherlands
Duration: 41 mins
|15 Seconds
Sound: Stereo
Ratio: 16:9
Available Format/s: HD Video / / / BluRay / HD Digital file / DCP
Original Format: HD video


Bete & Deise (2012) stages an encounter between two women in a building under construction in Rio de Janeiro. Actress Bete Mendes (1949) and Baile funk singer Deise Tigrona (1979) have – each in their own way – given meaning to the idea of a public voice. Together these women talk about the use of their voice and their positions in the public sphere, allowing for the contradictions they each carry within themselves to surface. Through a montage that evocatively combines the voices of the women with their image, van Oldenborgh confronts us with considerations on the relation between cultural production and politics and the potential power that is generated when public issues intersect with the personal.

More works by Wendelien van Oldenborgh

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