Work in Progress. Online screening and discussion. 28th May 6pm UK Time

May 5, 2020
Retro tv test screen. Old calibration chip chart pattern

LUX is launching a new monthly discussion group WORK IN PROGRESS to watch and discuss new works and works in progress in a supportive and welcoming environment. Each session will be led by a guest artist who will show and talk about their work with the group and lead the discussion around the other works.

Sessions will be held online as a Zoom meeting during the lockdown.
To participate in the discussion/screening as an attendee, book a place on Eventbrite (places are limited to enable group conversation)

Next Session: Thursday 28 May 6pm UK TIME on Zoom

New works/ works in progress by

Juliana Kasumu
Joanna Mamede
Jenna Collins

hosted by guest artist Morgan Quaintance and Benjamin Cook, LUX Director.

Morgan Quaintance is a London-based artist and writer. His moving image work has been shown and exhibited widely with presentations in 2020 including: CPH:DOX at which he received the New Vision Award for the film South (2020); European Media Art Festival, Germany; Alchemy Film and Arts Festival, ScotlandImages Festival, Toronto; International Film Festival Rotterdam; Punto de Vista Festival in Pamplona, Spain;  and Third Horizon Film Festival, Miami. Over the past ten years, his critically incisive writings on contemporary art, aesthetics and their socio-political contexts, have featured in publications including Art Monthly, the Wire, and the Guardian, and helped shape the landscape of discourse and debate in the UK.


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