The LUX Artist Information form is for new artists in distribution wishing to add, or current artists in distribution wishing to update, their Contact, Payment and Biographical details. Contact and Payment details are private and only accessible by authorised LUX staff, these details will never be shared. Some of your Biographical details will be published to your Artist Page on the LUX website. We have indicated on the form any information that will be publicly accessible. If you have any queries, please do not hesitate to contact us at [email protected]

Step 1 of 3 - LUX Artist Information: Contact Details

  • Contact Details

    Please provide your contact details for LUX to stay in touch. All of these details are private apart from your Artist Name and/or Artist Collaboration / Collective / Group Name.
  • Your name / public artist identity - this will be how you are referred to in all LUX public communications and on your artist page on the LUX website. If you are part of a collaboration, collective or group you can enter the name of this in the next field.
  • If you are part of a collaboration / collective / group please add the name of this here.
  • If the artist is deceased please provide the Trustee Name and Estate Name.
  • Estate Name
  • Please enter the best email address to contact you on - this will be the primary method of communication from LUX.
  • Your contact and billing address for communications, royalty payments and bills.
  • Please remember to include your country code
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