This one-day workshop led by artist and curator George Clark explores and develops key aspects of his practice, while drawing on the environment of Waterlow Park (where LUX is based). Participants will explore methods of filming and working with sound and image by drawing on the logics of gardening and the archeology of images. The day will consist of screenings, readings and practical projects, featuring the writings and works of figures such as Raul Ruiz, Hugo Santiago, Chen Chieh-jen, Hito Steyerl, Trinh T. Minh Ha and The Office of Culture and Design in Manila, amongst others.
Using the idea of Manny Farber’s Termite Art, participants will look at connections across art forms and geographies to collapse established histories and definitions of artistic and curatorial work, seeking a mode of entangled practice. The day will explore strategies of assemblage, disregarding the boundaries between disciplines; ways of working at the intersection of histories and cultures, to develop an entangled mode of production in dialogue with the ecology of images and expanded exhibition contexts.
Lunch is provided.