In this lecture, D. N. Rodowick will survey Harun Farocki’s critical life in images by analysing work from three distinct periods of his career, including landmarks such as Inextinguishable Fire (1968), Images of the World and the Inscription of War (1988). and Serious Games I-IV (2010). Looking at this work in the context of Critical Theory, Rodowick argues that Farocki offers us a philsophy and ethics of the image.
Followed by a Q&A with Dr. Steven Eastwood (Queen Mary University, London).
D. N. Rodowick – Having taught at Yale University until 1991, Rodowick began the film studies program there. After studying cinema and comparative literature at the University of Texas, Austin, and Université de Paris 3, he obtained a Ph.D. at the University of Iowa in 1983. Rodowick subsequently taught at the University of Rochester and at King’s College, University of London, where he founded the film studies program and the Film Study Center. Rodowick has also been an award-winning experimental filmmaker and video artist. In 2002, he was named an Academy Film Scholar by the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences. He is also Director of Graduate Studies for Film and Visual Studies, at Harvard University.
LUX Mres Art: Moving Image Public Lecture Series is an ongoing series of presentations by key thinkers on contemporary moving image practice sponsored by the LUX / Central Saint Martins Mres Art: Moving Image programme