CRUISING COMMUNITY: Derek Jarman and Hampstead Heath

22 August, 2017
– 22 August, 2017
7pm – 9pm
Waterlow Park Centre
Derek Jarman, A Journey to Avebury, 1971.

Dr Richard Maguire explores filmmaker Derek Jarman’s love of Hampstead Heath and the importance of the cruising grounds as social sites, beyond simply a place for sexual encounter, in an evening of short films, guest speakers and poetry performance.

When Jarman went up to the Heath, he and his fellow cruisers would often build and tend to bonfires, especially in the cold weather. Men who would never meet up with each other outside the Heath came to the fire for sex, but also for community. As gay communities become increasingly homonormative, this event suggests that the need for cruising is more vital than ever. A bonfire in the back garden at LUX will recreate this scene with poetry about cruising in the technological age from Keith Jarrett and stories about contemporary cruising with performer  Len Lukowski.

The short film programme includes works by Derek Jarman, Toby Kalitowski, Marit Östberg, Benny Nemerofsky Ramsay, David Wojnarowicz & Jesse Hultberg.
In the context of CRUISING GROUND & in collaboration with Cruising the Seventies: Unearthing Pre-HIV/AIDS Queer Sexual Cultures (CRUSEV).

Dr Richard Maguire teaches English and Gender Studies at Arcadia University’s London Centre and American Fiction, and fin de siècle literature at King’s College. He received his Ph.D from King’s College London with his thesis ‘The Last of the Queer Romantics: Mourning and Melancholia in Gay Men’s Autobiography.’

Keith Jarrett is an award-winning performance poet from London. His third book of poetry Selah, came out this year and he recently contributed a monologue to the Queers series on BBC4, a response to the 50th anniversary of the partial decriminalisation of homosexuality in Britain. He is a regular performer at Polari.

Len Lukowski is a writer and performer living in South London. He’s had work published in LossLitChromaAestheticaThe Ofi Press andDrowned in Sound. He likes to make a racket in queer punk bands.

Cruising the Seventies: Unearthing Pre-HIV/AIDS Queer Sexual Cultures (CRUSEV) explores LGBTQ (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer) social and sexual cultures of the 1970s, and their significance for LGBTQ people across Europe now and in the future. CRUSEV reconstructs aspects of LGBTQ cultures and interactions from the 1970s, the decade before HIV/AIDS, to consider what this knowledge can contribute to queer politics and identity in Europe’s present and future.
The three-year research project is financed by the European funding agency HERA, under HERA’s ‘Uses of the Past’ theme.


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