Born 1973, San Francisco, California, lives and works in London. Following a degree in Humanities at Yale (1995), Martin attended UCLA in Los Angeles (2000) for an MA, practising initially as a painter. She began working with film as an exploration of its sculptural possibilities in relation to video. Her first film In The Palace (2000) was directly inspired by the Giacometti sculpture The Palace at 4am, and forms the first part of a trilogy which also includes Birds (2001) and Closeup Gallery (2003), the latter completed during her residency at Delfina Studio Trust, London. Her most recent film Soft Materials (2004), commissioned by the Showroom Gallery, was shot in the Artificial Intelligence Lab at the University of Zurich, where scientists research ’embodied artificial intelligence’. She has exhibited at Hotel, London, Andrea Rosen Gallery, New York and Kunsthalle, Zurich. Her work has been included in 100 Artists See God, ICA, The Moderns, Castello di Rivoli Museum of Contemporary Art, Turin, and Art Now Lightbox, Tate Britain.
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